Monday 19 October 2009

Gone With The Wind

I started this blog when I first moved to York and as you can see was never too interested in actually updating it. Now that I am moving away from York, I thought it would be nice to try and start it back up again. Basically, I joked with my best bunny Piper that I would create a secret blog for only him to read...and I guess this is it! I might let others in on the secret later ( if they are even interested) but will keep it quiet for now.
In 6 days I will board a plane to take me back to Georgia. I remember how I felt when I first left, and its not the same feeling as I have now. Mostly because when I left GA I knew I would always return, but leaving here I know this really is "goodbye". I could kid myself, lull myself into a false sense of security to think "maybe I will be back, maybe things will all change" But I need to be realistic. Could be when I return to GA I will look back on this time and think it was a great adventure, but that I would rather be in GA any old day. You never know. I have grown and changed so much in the past two years that it will take me being back in my comfort zone for these changes to really come to the surface. I shouldn't be too sad, I was a really luck girl to have this opportunity and sadness and happiness do go hand in hand. So yes, sad to leave but only because I was so happy here. That seems fair enough. Ok...until later...have some last minute packing to do!